Shoes and Socks – A Taste Test, Part 2: Socks
Any dog serving prison time for chewing shoes will eagerly admit that socks served as a gateway drug. And that he’s a Good Boy!
Budleigh steals socks. That isn’t his fault. We Giants failed him. As did society. And the apparel industry. He no longer chews them as he did during his house-pet-in-training probationary apprenticeship. Just, ya’ know, sort of steals them. For the kicks, man! The thrill! School is for squares, daddio!
That Budleigh has moved from indiscriminate vandal to cunning thief is a victory rooted in dedicated training and drastically lowered expectations. No champion sought here. Just a pet that will reliably follow these basic rules:
1. Don’t eat things that make you dead
2. Think before you bite me
3. Get off the everything
4. Rest and drink plenty of fluids
5. Vote
Unless your dog has strong political leanings, Rule 1 is probably the most important. Clearly, it’s the most important to veterinarians whose examination rooms display colorful posters of frolicking puppies and giggling children beneath the headline, “Six Common Household Items That Will Kill Your Dog. Also Everyone Who Knows Your Dog.”
Next to that hang posters featuring different dogs and children – survivors, presumably – that read, “Wait! Did We Mention These Four Other Items?” and “Oops! Just Remembered Two More. Sorry!”
Dire warnings like these worry pets, which leads to intense dog park discussions. Also, anxious chewing.
GERMAN SHEPHERD: “…and the next morning when they checked the car, there was a hook in the door!”
LABRADOR RETRIEVER: (Gently) “Maybe this is too scary for…you know…everyone. (Nods toward wide-eyed Maltese.) Say, how ‘bout that brushing? Isn’t brushing great?”
MALTESE: “Did they chew the hook?”
TERRIER MUTT: “You can’t chew hooks! Well, I can. But it would kill the rest of you.”
PUG: “Wait! You’ve chewed a hook?”
TERRIER MUTT: “Sure! Plenty of ‘em. I chewed one today after I threw up breakfast.”
LABRADOR RETRIEVER: “…’cause I’m really soft, but when she brushes me I get even softer. So then I bring her the brush – I can do that, you know – and she says I’m a Good—ˮ
MALTESE: “What about a brush? You ever chew a brush?”
TERRIER MUTT: “Yeah! Lots of times. And plenty more stuff when I was little.”
PUG: “And nobody stopped you?”
TERRIER MUTT: “Well, I was in a shelter.”
All go quiet for several minutes.
BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG: “Once I chewed a mountain.”
PUG: “You did? A mountain?”
BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG: “So I’ve been told.”
BULL DOG: “Anyone ever chew up one of those round things?”
GERMAN SHEPHERD: ‘Which round thing?”
BULL DOG: “Oh, you know. The round things where they yell at you, then get all worried and call that place with the scary posters? And then they rush you there in the car?”
GERMAN SHEPHERD: “The one with a hook in the door?”
Clearly, overcoming a dog’s passion to chew is no easy task. However, both dog and owner can enjoy measurable success through the application of some simple, safe and humane training tactics developed by the United States Navy SEAL Team Interrogation Unit.
Next: Positive reinforcement or “They made me a criminal!”
Sleeping Between Giants explores life – if you can call it that – with a terrier.
Your feedback is welcome, probably. dj
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