What dogs think, if at all.
Dog Park Canines Agog Over Book Award!
An NIEA Award goes to Sleeping between Giants Book 2!
Is it a news release?
Is it? . . .
Exciting News about Sleeping between Giants!
Click on the link and prepare to be … teased!
Ask a Terrier: Extolling Consoling
The loss of their dog, Izzy, hit this family hard. Will a new companion help?
Budleigh’s gone through this, too. He offers advice, Canine to Giant, from personal experience.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh! (-udleigh-udleigh…) In! (-iin-iin…) Space! (-ace-ace…)
“I come in peace!” says would-be astronaut Budleigh.
“Oh, and can I have a piece of what you’re eating?”
Join Budleigh on his Conquest of Space!
Ask a Terrier: The Truth Ain’t Out There!
The Pentagon has released its long-awaited report on UFOs.
If Canines learned anything from The X-Files, it’s “Trust no one.”
Unless they have cookies!
Budleigh reveals all.
Ask a Terrier: Paper Training
In this sacred holiday time of gift wrap, Budleigh reveals why it’s the Season of Paper Shredding.
Ask a Terrier: Wake Up and Smell the COVID!
Are you a working dog if it’s just your nose?
Budleigh examines how Canines are helping fight the coronavirus.
Ask a Terrier: Unmasking the Mask
If you click your heels together three times and wish very hard, do you still need to wear a face mask?
Budleigh explains why, to wear a face mask you have to use your head.
Ask a Terrier: Zooming Isn’t Like Running
A new humor column during troubling times.
So, up yours, Covid!
Ask a Terrier: Sheltering Outside the Shelter
How’s the dog food holding up?
Canine worries in our pandemic times.
Budleigh calms.
Ask a Terrier: How the Dogs Are Voting
It’s more than a right. It’s a duty.
Oh, and there’s treats!
Budleigh explains voting.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh Addresses a Royal Pain
Although a staunch defender of the working class…as well as the herding, non-sporting, and toy groups…Budleigh sympathizes with the plight of Royals.
Ask a Terrier: Mark of the Hallmark
Hallmark Christmas movies can prove binge-worthy, claims a reader.
Budleigh agrees. And he can binge with the best!
Ask a Terrier: It’s In the Bag!
Fashion forward or fashion ferocious?
Style grrr-ru Budleigh reviews the fall line of designer dog carriers.
(Ya’ get it? Grrr-ru? I swear, I don’t know how we come up with these!)
Ask a Terrier: Semper Canis!
The U.S. Postal Service has released a new stamp honoring military working dogs.
But are they “Terrier Strong” wonders Budleigh.
Ask a Terrier: Talkin’ TED
Have you taught your dog to speak?
Then she’s ready to give a TED Talk!
Budleigh explains.
Ask a Terrier: Just How Infra is Our Structure?
They paved Paradise / And put up a… a…
What did they put up?
Budleigh laments.
Wow! That Smarts!
Dogs are stupider than we thought, although probably they’d argue the point if they had a clue.
Ask a Terrier: Not a Black Hole Lot of Excitement for Dogs.
Startling images of a massive black hole have captivated Giants worldwide.
Dogs, not so much…
Budleigh explains why.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh Goes All Scatolog-ICK-al!
“We are what we poop!” goes the old adage.
Well, among dogs, explains Budleigh.
Ask a Terrier: Your Dog or Your Boyfriend. Is That Really a Question?
If he doesn’t get along with your dog, just how Significant is your Other?
Budleigh offers relationship advice.
Dogs vs. Holiday Meals: Fa-La-La-La-Laaa, La, Aach! Haauk! Blaarf!
In this festive season of holiday parties, bountiful meals, and homemade cookies embellished with those silver ball-bearing things, take comfort knowing that your canines are in the dog park, plotting.
Ask A Terrier: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
To help a confused Cocker Spaniel, Budleigh explains the Nature of Time.
And din-dins!
Ask a Terrier: Dogs Are A Bargain! Except For The Money
Budleigh explains how dogs save Giants cash.
Whatever that is.
Why Everyone Hates Your Dog, By Which I Mean My Dog
Canines have lived in symbiotic harmony with humans for more than 30,000 years. Except in my neighborhood.
Ask a Terrier: Destroy All Monsters!
Hideous creatures lurk in Poolie’s backyard. Are they dangerous?
No, advises Budleigh. They’re delicious!
Marketing Your Dog
In full-throated summer, colorful, chaotic farmers markets offer a hot weather oasis where you can shop for locally produced, organically grown corn while your dog is torn apart by vicious, unsupervised hellhounds.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh Reminds Vacationers, “Hey, Ya’ Got this Dog Here!”
“Hurrah, road trip!” cheers mixed-breed Hanover. “Where am I not going?”
Budleigh commiserates.
Ask a Terrier: Cloning Has Budleigh Seeing Double
Is cloning dogs Mad Science or just, ya’ know, Slightly Annoyed Science?
Budleigh ponders.
Dogs of a Feather
On a commercial flight, the benefit of sitting next to a peacock outweighs the drawbacks. During a midair emergency I plan to grab anything with wings that might provide extra lift.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh Takes a Walk on the Wild Side
When is wildlife too wild for dogs?
Budleigh explains how to be animal pals, not prey.
Halloween and the Hound from…if Not Hell, then Nearby
While Halloween is a whimsical time for children, it can be disquieting for dogs and even more troubling for dog owners unaccustomed to working with the violent criminally insane.
Ask a Terrier: Dogs and Children – When Species Collide
Dogs love children! And not just as a viable food source.
Budleigh explains why.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh Analyzes Therapy
This pooch aspires to be a therapy dog. Any advice?
Sure! Budleigh’s full of it!
For Dogs, A Giant Health Care Problem
While Americans worry over the plight of affordable health care, their dogs are more anxious than they’ve been since the Great Bacon Rebellion of 1890.
Ask a Terrier: The Latest Dirt on Dog Germs
Dirty dogs that bring the outside inside may be good for your health, if not your carpets.
Ask a Terrier: Budleigh Offers Food for Thought
What’s a healthy food choice for dogs? Roscoe the Beagle doesn’t care!
Ask a Terrier: Washing Machines of Mass Destruction
Lily is afraid of things that go bump in the night. And in the laundry room.
Ask a Terrier: The Veterinarian is In! Budleigh Offers Advice on Not Swallowing Pills.
Ask a Terrier: The Giant as Emoticon
Using sharp teeth and claws, Budleigh unravels the Great Philosophical Question!
Last-minute gifts for the dog who has – or chews – everything.
Because of the chaos that comes with taking your dog to the store for a holiday present, instead consider giving him a gift card or, depending on the breed, cash.
Ask a Terrier: Can’t We All Just Get Along?
A poodle with a problem turns…lunging and barking…to Budleigh.
Read more
Ask a Terrier: Oh, Great…Another New Collar
In time for the holidays, Budleigh’s do’s and don’ts…mostly don’ts…on choosing the right dog collar.
Ask a Terrier: What is “dog” backwards, again?
Do all dogs go to Heaven? Budleigh has decided!
Opinion(s): How the Dogs Are Voting
When it comes to political campaigns, dogs pay no attention to the news media, except for Wolf Blitzer whose name, they complain, is misleading.
Shoes and Socks – A Taste Test, Part 3: Positive Reinforcement or ‘They Made Me a Criminal!’
Dogs and shoes can live together in harmony provided both are willing to compromise. To reach an accord, dogs have to be trained to respect shoes, while shoes must agree to limit all provocative missile test launches over disputed borders.
Shoes and Socks – A Taste Test, Part 2: Socks
Any dog serving prison time for chewing shoes will eagerly admit that socks served as a gateway drug. And that he’s a Good Boy!
Budleigh steals socks. That isn’t his fault. We Giants failed him. As did society. And the apparel industry. He no longer chews them as he did during his house-pet-in-training probationary apprenticeship. Just, ya’ know, sort of steals them. For the kicks, man! The thrill! School is for squares, daddio!
Shoes and Socks: A Taste Test
Dogs use their teeth to explore the world much the way we use the Internet. A dog’s mouth and tongue serve as router and modem, while its excretory system works like Comcast.
Grooming Tips, Part 3: The Drying Game
Witty Physics would have us believe that drying a dog is the same as wetting a dog, only backwards, if you follow the math.
Apparently, Physics has never dried a dog. Or owned one. Or been on a date since 1990. So thanks anyway, Physics. We’ll take it from here.
Grooming Tips, Part 2: Bathing your Dog – The New Waterboarding
Understanding the challenges of bath time, the pet care industry has developed an array of shampoo products that ease the torment faced by your dog and the unpaid college intern you’ve assigned to the task. The most appropriate soap should be one formulated to lather well while convincing your dog that he’s done nothing wrong.
Grooming Tips: Best Practices for You, Your Dog, and Your Fingers
Anyone who has safely landed a powered aircraft in severe weather without the benefit of instrumentation, aircrew or their vision has all the skills needed to successfully groom a dog.