Black Dogs: Danger…or Menace?
Black dogs tend to be passed over for adoption because they are associated with evil. Yet studies have proved that relatively few actively worship Satan.
This Black Dog Syndrome, as it’s known to its advocates, would have black-furred shelter dogs adopted less quickly than lighter colored ones. Despite strong anecdotal evidence from animal shelters that this stigma is real, Science has yet to be convinced.
“Controlled tests need to be conducted,” insists Science in that high-pitched, nasaly voice that makes you want to push its head in the toilet. “If it can’t be measured, then I can’t build an app and make money. And this research crap is killin’ me! You know how old my car is?”
Yes sir, right down deep in the toilet!
At the root of this supposed phenomenon is a diversity of conflicting explanations; Black dogs are shunned by the superstitious. Films and television portray them as vicious. A black dog killed my parents.
However, just as compelling is evidence that suggests coat color is only a minor consideration of dog adopters. Shelter dogs are adopted in nearly equal numbers whether their coats are black, light, brindle or, as in one study, transparent. This last came from a survey group that “thought it would be cool to watch blood circulate.” That group was hurriedly ushered from the test facility and their names forwarded to the National Security Administration.
So how does one know if a black dog would be a good choice? To determine that, let us leave the realm of the analytic and focus our attention on an area of study I call “me”.
Last year when we first met Budleigh, our vicious, Satan-worshipping, parent-killing terrier thing, I was unaware of the stigma surrounding black dogs. Kelly, the lovely lady who runs the homeless animal shelter, praised this smart, social, high energy little fellow while he vibrated around the room, occasionally passing through solid objects. During our conversation Kelly mentioned that such dogs as Budleigh can be difficult to place. I asked why.
“Well first, because he’s black.”
“Ah HAH!” I snapped, nodding with Anderson Cooper clarity. “Isn’t that just typical of The Man?”
“Sorry?” said Kelly, puzzled.
“Well, it’s just like Ferguson. And Selma.”
“Oh…heh!” Cautiously, Kelly edged herself between me and Budleigh.
I felt the conversation coming unmoored, and tried to clarify without actually explaining.
“I mean, you see it in the news, right? People protesting. And they should! Not just on CNN. I watch all the coverage, of course. Because I’m fair. Oh, and balanced! Very, very balanced.”
I was like a man at a dinner party who confidently leaps into a debate on gun control, or religious persecution, or why Donald Trump’s a dick only to realize, late, that the topic is Justin Bieber.
And from Kelly’s tight but polite smile I suspected that I wasn’t getting a dog of any color.
“Anyway, my point is that he’s a very, very talent singer, but troubled,” I concluded. “Soooo…back to dogs.”
“Yes,” she said. “I was saying that black dogs aren’t as popular as the light ones. Also this little guy’s a terrier. And they’re a handful.”
“A terrier?” I gushed. “I love terriers! Terriers are wonderful!”
Some of my best friends are terriers! For God’s sake, mouth, don’t say it! Don’t!
“I’ll take him, Kelly. Wrap ‘em up!”
There are many advantages of a black terrier, none of which benefit their owner.
Chief among a terrier’s assets is stealth, just after teeth, speed, cunning, intelligence, stubbornness, and what passes for “adorable”. So stealthy is this breed that, according to the US Department of Homeland Security, every American is under constant covert scrutiny by as many as 17 terriers, all hoping their subject will turn into a rabbit.
Our formerly alive terrier Oxford, Budleigh’s predecessor, used stealth the way a seascape painter works with blue. He would shimmer into a room, take on the color of his surroundings, and sit quietly for weeks until I set down my toast. Then he’d evaporate, along with the toast and my fingers up to the knuckle.
Budleigh’s black fur renders him a far more effective operative. He’s all but invisible in photographs. Shot against a black attaché, the viewer sees only a black attaché with delightful little white paws. With eyes closed, his head becomes a featureless black ovoid much like the acid-spewing Alien, only with more teeth. Walking him at night, I hold a leash attached to a murky darkness that pees a lot.
Budleigh is Dracula. And his Prince of Darkness shtick is really pissing off the townspeople.
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 1: “Hon, I can’t find Budleigh. Have you seen him anywhere?”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 2: “No, but I’ve been here folding laundry. Is he under the bed?”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 1: “Hard to say. It’s dark as a Chilean mine. Budleigh! Budleigh boy!”
BUDLEIGH: “Am I under there?”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 1: “I can’t see him. Torches! We need torches!”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 2: “Or maybe just a flashlight and peanut butter?”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 1: “And crosses!”
BUDLEIGH: “Can you see me? I can see you!”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 1: “OK, he’s not under the bed. And he’s not outside and he’s not shut in any rooms. So where….?”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 2: “Dave, is that pile of black yoga pants wagging.”
GIANT TOWNSPERSON 1: “Budleigh! Has he been lying here all this time?”
BUDLEIGH: “I could have taken your toast! Also your fingers up to the knuckle.”
Sleeping Between Giants explores life – if you can call it that – with a terrier.
Your feedback is welcome, probably. dj
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